12/14/2014 1 Comment An Update! FinallyWe've started going to markets this month with stands at the High River market and the Lacombe community markets. Thanks to everyone who came to see us and check out our gear first hand, it was great to meet everyone and help people pick out some great Christmas presents! This month has seen the introduction of some great BCB gear into Canada, starting with the excellent Crusader Mk2 cooking system, we were the first people to carry it in Canada! With its much improved cooking vessel and fire tray its is a great improvement over the already awesome Crusader Mk1 System. We have more gear due in soon from BCB and we will keep you informed about the latest excellent products and offers from the South Wales based suppliers to the British army. Lots more Snugpak and Turboflame products in this month, from the excellent Sungpak snugnut hat to the Turboflame V-Flame twin flame lighter/torch. Again more products are due in soon so watch this space and our new items category for further updates! More great gear in the airsoft world too, with our new G&G armaments section you can now get high quality airsoft guns at a great price and free delivery! Stay tuned to our airsoft section for more Airsoft products coming in stock very soon. It been a busy first 3 months of business here at camogroup.ca but we are going from strength to strength and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for their continued support and helpful comments! Don't forget if there is anything you would like us to source for you in the worlds of military surplus, camping or airsoft we will be more than happy to help! Just drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know what you need! Rob
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September 2022
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